Kanaho 奏帆

Kanaho 奏帆

Born in Hokkaido in 1997. 2011 is the first year when Kanaho got to play on stage. In the year after that, she started writing re-arrangements and compositions of her own. In the same year, she joined the “Sound Messe 2012 Seaside Stage” contest and got first place....
Agustin Amigo 奥古斯汀 阿明戈

Agustin Amigo 奥古斯汀 阿明戈

喜欢吉他与环游世界的 Agustin Amigo 这次将再度踏上中国这片壮阔的土地. 来自西班牙的他目前旅居德国,一有空闲便四处游历,这样的过程让 Agustin Amigo 吸收各地不同的文化进而展现在他的吉他音乐里! 就跟他的名字西班牙字义 “朋友” 一样,他喜欢跟世界各地的人做朋友,他经常在当地演出后便为这个城市写一首曲子. Agustin Amigo 的录音全在自家设置的专业录音室中完成 , 他对吉他的狂热让人感动 !他的音乐丰富迷人 !也请您给 Agustin Amigo 最热烈热情的掌声鼓励...
Sungha Jung 郑晟河

Sungha Jung 郑晟河

Born South Korea on September 2, 1996 Sungha Jung is a South Korean musician who specializes in acoustic fingerstyle guitar. He creates acoustic covers and arrangements, typically by ear and/or by watching videos, and has original music, which he play and uploads...
Kotaro Oshio 押尾光太郎

Kotaro Oshio 押尾光太郎

Kotaro Oshio is an acoustic guitarist from Japan. Born in Suita, Osaka, on February 1, 1968, he is best known for his work on the steel string guitar. Oshio is a part of Sony Music Japan’s SME Records division. Oshio was voted the second greatest Japanese...
Masaaki Kishibe 岸部真明

Masaaki Kishibe 岸部真明

Masaaki Kishibe 個性沈穩內斂,從國中時期接觸吉他開始便按步就班的累積演奏的經驗與能量,他也是首位進入全美吉他大賽指彈組前三名的亞洲人,其個性中的堅毅與才能也由此得到證明。但在當時的環境只憑藉著得獎的光環而要做為ㄧ名全職吉他演奏者還是相當的不易。他不善言辭,沒有起伏流動的肢體語言,但他有一把會說話的吉他,當琴聲響起,所有要告訴你的故事與要描繪的風景都在那六條弦線與琴箱的振動之中展現。因此,他的才華被人看見,全球有無數的吉他愛好者翻彈他的曲子,但因為他低調不張揚的個性,所以在歐美地區的樂迷心中 Masaaki...